Talking with Sophie

How do you feel to show your work during the "Les Caudalies" Arts Week-end?

It's very powerful and very intimidating because there will be more than a hundred painters. Many of them are very experienced and I am a bit nervous.

I've been painting for a long time, but it's quite something to show my work  for the first time. I was told to stay zen and enjoy it, not to worry if I don't sell anything! It takes time to stay in people's mind ...

Is it important to be recognized through your creations?

I think it's interesting to have a purpose when painting.  To paint for someone, for example. I love to paint just for the pleasure of painting, or to try new things, or do some research.  But it's motivating to have a goal. For an exhibition  my work takes a direction:  I like to work on series, or on themes that I can develop for the show.

What is your creative process?

With the Fluid Art technique that I use I master little in reality: I choose my colors, I decide the way the paint goes and the pattern, but there is a lot that the paint itself will choose, by forming cells, for instance, like bubbles in some of my paintings. Shapes that I had not necessarily chosen. And I like it because it gives a lot of freedom and spontaneity.

What is most difficult to achieve in Fluid art, colors or shapes?

Certainly  shapes ; for  colors I know which go well together and I already know how it will look like in terms of colors. .

How  do you know that these colors work together?

Experience, color wheel. I mix either cool shades or warm colors. I try not to mix both beacuse it can get muddy. I like blue because it is soothing, in connection with the water and the sea, I am deeply in connection with these themes and color.

Why is this first collection called "Traversées" ("Crossing")?

It takes roots in my childhood,  on my parents' sailboat. And it's also about transformation, movement, things that are never still, I like movement.

Are these paintings figurative representations? Is there a special way to look at them?

No, because everyone projects their mental map into it. That's why I signed them on the edge. So people can look at them the way they want.

You write on your introduction "Abstraction  is a dance between the mental projection of the artist and the viewer's". What does it mean ?

I have a certain idea  in mind and I project a certain emotion on the canvas when I paint .The viewer will understand or receive something that may be totally different  and this double way of seing my paintings is interesting. I am projecting something on the canvas, but as the paint is very fluid, it's like it's alive and get to choose how it will look like. So the painting itself gets  into the dance, into this triple movement : mine, the viewer's and the paint's.

You say you find inspiration in nature and poetry, but how does poetry help creation in painting?

What I like about poetry is the image that can arise between two words. It gives emotions, it opens up to shapes, colors or light. It can be the start for a painting or its end:  poetry will  give me a title. Sometimes I do a work then I give it a title and sometimes it's the other way around, I read a verse that gives emotion or images or a certain light that I translate with my colors.

Why did you want to make a website with your works?

I have friends and family scattered all over the world. I know that not everyone will be able to come to this exhibition. This website will make it come  to their eyes! It will also allow these creations to travel as far as possible! And this is fun...

Is it a difficult process for a creator to sell his productions?

Yes at the beginning it's a bit complicated because you sell a part of your soul, wich is priceless.

But then you get to be pragmatic and selling helps buying canvases, paint, brushes, resin and more. Although I try to recycle a lot , all this is expensive.

Selling also helps to pay for the website so people can browse and get inspired.

Would you like to make it a living?

Yes I would love to! I would have all the time to paint what I have in mind! But sometimes I get ideas when I know I won't have time to make them. So will creativity keep flowing if I have all my time ? No one can tell but , it's a powerfull wish , yes !

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